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11:00 AM
Opening remarks

Ben GreenishSenior Vice President - dmg events

11:05 AM
Welcome introduction

Reserved for Government Speaker

Ranju WarrierSummit Chair - dmg events

11:15 AM
Panel Discussion: Building the cities of the future.

  • What are the opportunities arising from Egypt’s urban expansion plan? –citizens, tourists, trade, investment
  • How will Egypt’s new cities drive the economy, create job opportunities and enhance quality of life?
  • How will Egypt’s new communities incorporate green spaces and design?
  • Attracting investment to Egypt through sustainable development
  • Private and public sector engagement –what’s the progress and opportunities for collaboration?
  • Sustainable master planning –what are the updates and potential contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals?

Sandra WoodhallFounder - Tangram

Hala OmarSenior Sustainability Specialist - Dar

Eng. Hossam BasionyElectric Infrastructure Technical Affairs Director - EPC sector, Elsewedy Electric

Eng. Mostafa El SaadanyTechnical Director - Rowad Modern Engineering

12:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Future impact through the expansion of transportation –rail, roads, ports.

  • What is the outlook for transport projects for 2023-2024?
  • What are the biggest innovations taking place in Egypt’s transport sector?
  • What is the balance of old networks being modernized and new networks planned?
  • How will historic and new cities be connected?
  • Opportunities from the rail and port expansions
  • Connecting new urban zones with historic cities
  • Financing infrastructure projects and the role of ECAs/commercial banks.

Mohamed SamyCEO - Agile International Limited

Ayman AshourCEO - Mobility Turnkey - MEA & Siemens Mobility - UAE

Ahmed Farghal MareeVice President - Innova Transportation LLC

Eduardo Soriano IzquierdoEconomic and Commercial Counsellor of Spain in Egypt - Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Egypt

12:45 PM
Panel Discussion: Water Desalination and waste management focus

The MENA region alone accounts for 48% of global desalination projects, with further investments expected to spur the market to $4.3bn by 2022. However, the future of desalination will depend on combining established and emerging technologies. As water and energy resources are strongly interrelated, having combined resources will assist the development of energy-efficient desalination technologies.

  • Climate change –mitigating the future risk of water scarcity.
  • Improving water productivity
  • Protecting Egypt’s coastal cities from rising sea levels
  • Opportunities from increased desalination plants
  • Emerging technologies

Dr. Yasser ElshayebProfessor of Engineering - American University Cairo

Eng. Elia SaberExecutive Manager - Kharafi National

Amr El KadyGeneral Manager - BEEAH Egypt

1:30 PM
Keynote: Infrastructure projects, a legal perspective

  • Overview of the latest legal updates affecting the infrastructure and water sectors
  • Ensuring protection on project delivery of master plans
  • Opportunities for future legislation and regulation amendments

CEMCounsel, ADSERO - Ragy Soliman & Partners

2:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Contribution of smart technology to infrastructure

  • Modernizing existing infrastructure
  • Creating smart communities for the future to enable smart living
  • Opportunities arising from adopting digital transformation
  • The importance of mobile data availability and coverage
  • Creating a talent pipeline for the Cities of the Future program
  • Embracing new technologies –what’s working and needs improvement? IoT, Robotics, AR, VR

Khaled HashemPresident- North Africa - Honeywell

Mostafa El-BagouryCEO - Siemens Egypt

Dr. Hasanain Al- NaimiMETA Regional Product Specialist - Autodesk

Mahmoud El ShanawanyBIM Infrastructure Lead - Khatib & Alami

2:45 PM
Panel Discussion: Urban and water infrastructure expansion, balancing climate change action.

  • Climate change and its impact on Egypt’s water resources and Infra assets
  • Ensuring water availability for future housing generations- the current projects and pipeline for ensuring sustained Infra growth
  • Holistic collaboration and on-ground updates between public and private players

Dr Heba Al HariryInternational Consultant - Water and Climate expert

Ayman AyadHead of Water Sector - Delegation of the European Union to Egypt - European Commission

Dr. Ahmed El-DorghamyBasic Services and Climate Change Programme Officer - UN-Habitat

3:30 PM
Panel Discussion: International Alliances fueling sustainable Egypt Infrastructure Expansion

  • Investments in infrastructure: Key stakeholder’s perspective and future collaboration strategies
  • Regional partnerships and future growth outcomes and key learnings
  • Perspective from Infra financing bodies propelling infra growth.

Mohamed SaadCountry Head – Egypt - UK Export Finance

Dr. Mohamed ElbadawyTransport Expert - EIB Transport Portfolio, Egypt and Near East region

Ahmed Saad Hassan AliChief Executive Officer - Suez Canal Economic Zone

4:15 PM
Panel Discussion: Integrating Solar power in national infra expansion and retrofit strategies.

  • Ensuring a higher role of Solar inputs in total energy consumption and production- the joint strategies
  • Unleashing the potential of Egypt to generate 650 gigawatts of solar energy.
  • Integrating loss management and efficient distribution alongside infra expansion

Eng. Mohamed SadeqRE/EE Specialist - RCREEE

Dr. Ayman ZakiConsultant - United Nations Development Program

5:00 PM
Closing Remarks
11:30 AM
Digital Twins for Infrastructure Management and Operation

  • Cracking the digital twin code
  • GeoBIM Digital Twins for enhancing infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability
  • Successful implementation of infrastructure digital replica

Hesham Gamal GaafarDigital Engineering Manager - Gleeds

1:00 PM
GIS construction progress and environmental monitoring

  • 4D application of GIS in monitoring construction project
  • GIS-based decision-making for sustainable and safe building construction
  • GIS and BIM integration for construction management

Ahmed Abdallah SayedResearcher - Water Science and Engineering Services unit, National Water Research Center, Egypt

11:30 AM
Reshaping Egypt’s vision for water scarcity and sustainable development with desalination

  • How technology is addressing water scarcity in Egypt
  • How desalination will play a key role in Egypt’s fight against water scarcity
  • Renewable Energy Resources in Sustainability of Water Desalination

Dr. Karim ShahinEngineering Consultant - The Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers

12:15 PM
Role of geosynthetics in mega sustainable infrastructure projects

  • Waste management facilities
  • Use of geosynthetics in building roads and railways
  • Use of geosynthetics in hydraulic structures

Dr. Mohamed Salah MorsyAssistant Professor - Ain Shams University

12:15 PM
Strategic transformation to facilitate the transition to smart cities and digital construction

  • Relationship between smart cities and BIM
  • Possibilities of smooth transition towards digital construction
  • Impact of the interconnection between BIM and smart cities

Sara SolimanBIM Manager - Prime Engineering Consultants

1:00 PM
Geosynthetics as smart solutions for fast construction project

  • Types of geosynthatics materials
  • Crucial notes on the design and construction of geosynthatics
  • Case studies for using Geosynthatics in Egypt

Ahmed Abdel MageedSenior Geotechnical engineer - National Authority for Tunnels

1:30 PM
1:30 PM
2:15 PM
Automation in ports – Challenges and future outlooks

  • Challenges facing ports nowadays moving beyond concrete and steel
  • Effects of automation on operational efficiency, supply chain management and sustainability
  • Key automation areas to consider in Port infrastructure design
  • Future outlooks and inventions in Port automation

Shadi SabraGlobal Head of Geotechnical and Heavy Civil Department - K&A - EGYPT

2:30 PM
Resilient and agile municipal wastewater utilities

• Treatment to use recycled water for agriculture.
• Treatment in a biological and autonomous way
• Best treatment technologies for industrial waste treatment

Youssef BrouziyneCountry Representative Egypt, Regional Representative - Middle East & North Africa - International Water Management Institute - MENA Office

3:00 PM
Role of Sustainable Development in Accelerating Climate Action

  • Access to climate and sustainable finance for better implementation actions
  • Importance of sustainability reporting and future plans

3:15 PM
Future of desalination – Green and sustainable desalination

  • Potential of renewable desalination
  • Seeing beyond salt – Future of desalination
  • Sustainable desalination technologies to address water scarcity in Egypt

Mahmoud Mohamed FouadGeneral Manager of Quality and Environmental affairs - Holding Company for Water and Wastewater

3:45 PM
Panel Discussion: Egyptian Construction Industry – Challenge and Prospectives

  • Master planning development for cities
  • Design and concepts for smart cities
  • Climate adaptation and resiliency

Dr. Eng. Khaled HamdiProfessor of Project Management, Projects Consultant & Advisor - Ain Shams University

Eng. Alaa El BasyounyChair Real Estate Development Com., Chamber of Commerce, Alex., CEO - Wattaneya

Eng. George MattaMarketing Director - Ezzsteel

4:00 PM
Groundwater in Arab countries as an alternative source of water supply for sustainable development, case study Egypt

  • Groundwater aquifers and trans-boundary rivers in Arab Countries
  • How to monitor, evaluate and management groundwater level, quantity and quality
  • Procedures and precautions for groundwater protection and improvement
  • Evaluation the existing situation and how to improve

Dr. Ahmed Fawzy Yousef DeiabProfessor of Water Resources / International Senior Expert and Team Leader of Project Management, Water Resources and Environment - Desert Research Center of Egypt, UN

4:45 PM
Panel Discussion: Ground water monitoring – Classification of groundwater monitoring systems by function

  • How can we ensure that groundwater monitoring is cost-effective?
  • Basic success rules for groundwater monitoring programs
  • How can groundwater and aquifer monitoring improve the evaluation and management of groundwater resources?
  • Procedures and precautions for specific groups of groundwater quality parameters
  • What are the requirements and limitations of groundwater quality monitoring at main water supply sources?

Dr. Ahmed Fawzy Yousef DeiabProfessor of Water Resources / International Senior Expert and Team Leader of Project Management, Water Resources and Environment - Desert Research Center of Egypt, UN

Dr. Mohamed AwadAssociate - Project Manager/Senior Hydrogeologist - Dar Al Handasah

Prof. Ahmed KotbProfessor of Hydrogeology - Al Azhar University, Cairo

11:30 AM
Towards sustainable drainage systems in Egypt

Ayman Georges AwadallahProfessor of Water Resources Engineering - Fayoum University

12:15 PM
Infrastructure for Mega Projects

  • Risk identification
  • Sustainable development
  • Policies and aspirations

Ahmed Fouad Galal YehiaInfrastructure Design Manager - Aqleh Engineering Consultant

1:00 PM
Panel discussion: Sustainable Architecture Design and Construction

  • Replacement of conventional materials like concrete with sustainable alternatives
  • Low-impact building materials
  • Renewable energy systems

Hoda IbrahimSustainability Manager - Alpin Limited

Sherif FouadSustainability Design Engineer at Sustainability Department, Global Sector - Khatib & Alami

Marwa Fathi ElSayedSenior Sustainability Engineer - Khatib and Alami Consultants

2:00 PM
Rehabilitation of roads using FDR technology

  • Future of FDR technologies in Egypt
  • How to sustain FDR?

Dr. Arch. Mohamed OsamaCo-Founder & VP - AGR International

2:30 PM
3:30 PM
Financing Mega Infrastructure Projects

  • Combining Funding and Financing Alternatives to Deliver Infrastructure
  • Tailored financing solutions and instruments
  • Country Diagnostics and Other Building Blocks of Infrastructure Finance

Mohamed Tarek IsmailPublic Private Partnership & Water Expert - Mast Group Consulting

4:15 PM
Lean Construction in Egypt Infrastructure

  • Transforming the construction sector with lean principles
  • Differentiation between lean construction and project management approach in construction
  • Waste elimination with lean construction

Dr. Ahmed ElkherbawyPlanning Engineer - RS Management Consulting House


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